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Hulu, Disney+ cracking down on password sharing after Netflix success: Will more streaming services follow?

(NEXSTAR) — Chances are, your household is paying for at least one streaming service. Recent surveys have found anywhere from 88% to 99% of households subscribe to at least one, with the average number per household being close to three.

If you fit the bill for an “average” household, there’s also a chance you were impacted by recent password-sharing crackdowns.

Last year, Netflix began cracking down on password sharing — using someone else’s account to watch content rather than paying for your own — and pushing users to either create sub-accounts or for moochers to start their own.

The streaming giant knew it wouldn’t be a well-loved move, telling shareholders in April that it expected “a bit of a cancel reaction.”

Netflix’s decision to abandon its long-established practice of allowing account sharing with members outside the household appears to have paid off, though.

The full article is available at

(Story by Addy Bink, NEXSTAR,

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