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Hutchinson: Focus Needs to be on Vaccination Rates

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson explains why he did not veto recent legislation that was passed by the state lawmakers designed to counter federal mandates passed by the Biden Administration.

During the interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press", Hutchinson explains that while he feels both the State and Federal Law is intrusive on businesses, he said that vetoing the law would lead to a fight over the law and that the debate would draw focus away from what he believes is the real issue, that is encouraging the vaccine acceptance. Hutchison explained that with Arkansas' Law allowing a Governor's veto to be overridden by a simply majority, it was not worth shifting the focus from vaccine acceptance back to the mandate law. 

Hutchinson says he feels strongly that businesses should have the option to have a vaccine mandate if they feel it will keep their customers and employees safe. 

The interview from "Meet the Press" can be seen on YouTube.

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