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Investigative Report into Shepherd of the Hills Coaster Accident

Photo courtesy Ozarks First

KOLR-10 Investigates reports on findings they have uncovered into the accident at the Shepherd of the Hills Copperhead Mountain Coaster in November that seriously injured two riders.

Among the findings uncovered by Ozarks First Reporter Lauren Inman:

-The ride operator in charge of checking seat belts of the riders may have been under the influence of marijuana according to a drug test taken after the accident..
-Records from the Missouri Division of Fire Safety’s Amusement Ride Safety Unit show there was a last-minute staff switch during that time.
-The employee told investigators that he had visually checked the seat beats but did not pull on them.

The two passengers injured when they were thrown off of the coaster, Kinda Renfro and Debra Rhodes from Texas are suing Shepherd of the Hills for $50 million for the incident. 

The report KOLR-10 obtained from the Missouri Division of Fire Safety’s Amusement Ride Safety Unit  also indicates that the two passengers may have violated ride rules by using their phones while on the coaster.

The complete report can be found on the Ozarks First Website.  

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