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Jason Outman Departing Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce

Jason Outman (Photo courtesy Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB)

The leader of the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB is leaving after two years.

President/CEO Jason Outman announced to staff and Board of Directors Leaders Monday that he would be departing in March according to a release from the chamber. 

Outman took over the leadership of the chamber in January of 2021 after being with Experience Columbia, South Carolina for the previous six years. 

According to the release, Outman led the chamber in to increased memberships and marketing campaigns that have lead to high visitor rates the last two years. He also led the chamber in the development of their 10-year strategic plan. 

No reason was given for his departure and no information about a successor to Outman was mentioned in the release which can be read below:

The Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB and Taney County Partnership announce the upcoming departure of President/CEO Jason Outman. He met with the staff and leadership of the board of directors on Monday, February 27 and stated he would be leaving the organization in March. 
Outman started in the position on January 18, 2021 and led the team to attain many notable achievements over the last two years including 2022 Missouri Chamber of Commerce “Chamber of the Year;” a double-digit increase in chamber memberships; successful marketing campaigns that culminated in record tax collections and record visitation in 2021 and 2022, setting a new benchmark for the city and tax district. 
He also led in the development of a 10-year strategic plan for the Chamber of Commerce focusing on six core pillars: leverage and ensure a thriving live entertainment industry; enhance and diversify the Branson regional experience; prioritize livability and community well-being; strengthen awareness and perception of the Branson place brand; improve access, mobility, and connectivity; and foster greater stakeholder alignment and collaboration.

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