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Kansas City Chiefs Visit Branson to Sign Marketing Agreement

Left to right: Branson Mayor Larry Milton, KC Chiefs President Mark Donovan, and Community Tourism Enhancement District Chair Derek Smith. (Photo by John Fancher)

Officials from the Kansas City Chiefs including Club President Mark Donovan were in Branson Monday to officially sign the Marketing agreement between the organization, the City of Branson, and Community and Entertainment Enhancement District.

In an agreement that was announced last week, the Branson Lakes Region will have a presence in the Chiefs Marketing while the area will take a role in some events with the Chiefs including their Hometown Hero Program and other area outreach. 

During the signing ceremony at Branson City Hall, Donavan along with Branson Mayor Larry Milton and TCED Chairman Derek Smith make remarks on the alignment of the Chiefs when it comes to vacations and giving visitors similar experiences.

An interview with Mark Donovan at the signing aired on KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program can be heard below with the entire ceremony available on the MOARK Sports Facebook Page as well as the audio in the lower link:

Mark Donovan

Signing Ceremony


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