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Kimberling City Police Retiring Two K-9 Officers

Officer Kregel and K-9 Officer Ginger (right) along with Chief Lemoine (center) and Officer Boillot and K-9 Officer Ryker (left) at the Charity Fall Festival in October, 2022. (Photo from K.C. Police Department)

One of the by-products of the passing of Amendment Three to legalize recreational marijuana is being felt by the Kimberling City Police Department. 

A feature story in this week’s Branson Tri-Lakes News highlights the retirement the department’s K-9 officers due to the fact that they have been trained to detect several substances including marijuana. Police Chief Todd Lemoine tells the Tri-Lakes News that the K-9 Officers, Ginger and Ryker, can’t be retrained to bypass the now legal substance. The city has applied for and been approved for a grant to replace the officers with new ones that will not be trained to detect marijuana. 

The complete story can be found on the Branson Tri-Lakes News Website.

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