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Leadership Transition Announced at Faith Community Health

A change in leadership is coming to Faith Community Health in Branson.

In a press release Wednesday, the Faith Board of Directors announces Kenn Tilus’s decision to step down as Executive Director of the charitable health clinic.

Board Chair, Pastor Tom Wilcox shared in the release, ”Kenn has always shown a passion for the care of our clients and for the privilege of sharing God's love through whole person care.” Wilcox, Pastor to First Presbyterian Church, can recall Kenn’s start with FAiTH and his work in creating FaithCare, a program which works with area businesses to provide quality healthcare for their employees. “I particularly appreciate his work to champion the creation of FaithCare” Pastor Wilcox said.

Tilus, who had been FAiTH's Executive Director since January of 2016, will be replaced on an Interim Basis by current Board Member Anne McGregor, a third generation co-owner of Herschend Family Entertainment who currently serves as Executive Chair to the family’s philanthropic initiative, The Neighbor Company.


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