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Madison Ross crowned as Miss Hard Work U. at College of the Ozarks 2023 Homecoming Honors Ceremony

Madison Ross is crowned Miss Hard Work U. (L-R): President Brad Johnson, second runner-up Raegan Moore; Miss Hard Work U. Madison Ross; first runner-up and character award winner Betsy Zeller; and First Lady Laura Lacey

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — Madison Ross, of Onawa, Iowa, was chosen as Miss Hard Work U. in the College of the Ozarks 2023 Homecoming Honors Ceremony on Nov. 2, 2023. This year’s theme was Shine Bright.

Ross is a senior physical education major.

Ross’s court included first runner-up and character award winner Betsy Zeller, senior music theory and composition major, of Westcliffe, Colorado, and second runner-up Raegan Moore, junior marketing major, of Alma, Arkansas.

Over 34 C of O workstations nominated candidates for Miss Hard Work U. The candidates worked together as a group, along with Elevate Branson, to serve meals to the community.

Votes by the student body determined the top 10 candidates from the workstation nominations. Then, the top five were selected based on a culmination assessment of the student body votes, essay responses, and panel interviews. These candidates answered onstage questions during the Honors Ceremony in front of judges and the student body. The judges crowned Miss Hard Work U. and her court based upon the previous culmination of scores and the impromptu Q & A. The top three receive a scholarship for their outstanding representation of the College.

The above press release is from College of the Ozarks.

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