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Marion County Sheriff Warns of Social Security Scam

The Marion County Sheriff’s Department is notifying the public of a social security scam.

According to the sheriff’s office, social security services will never contact you to demand an immediate payment, tell you that your social security number is suspended, threaten arrest, ask for credit card or debit card numbers over the phone, request gift cards or cash, or promise a social security benefit approval or increase in exchange for information or money.

Social security employees do contact the public by telephone for business purposes, but ordinarily the agency calls people who have recently applied for a social security benefit, are already receiving payments and require an update to their record or have requested a phone call from the agency.

If there is a problem with a social security number or record, social security officials will typically mail a letter.

To report a scam attempt, visit

For more information visit or

(From KTLO)

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