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Mayor Milton Lauds Branson as Standout City

Branson Mayor Larry Milton used his State of the City speech on Tuesday night to trumpet Branson as a place that stands out from the rest of the nation and gets things done, both on time and on budget.

He said that the year is crucial for the nation and the city and went on to point out differences and commonalities the nation and Branson possess. "Like our city, our nation has endured many changes and challenges over these recent years," Milton said. The mayor made a quick contrast.

"But unlike certain parts of our country, Branson has never wavered from what truly defines us," he said. Those defining qualities are the cherishing of freedom, liberty, showing compassion by caring for others, honoring the nation and those who serve and have served.

Milton then contrasted his previous addresses of this kind with the one he delivered on Tuesday, pointing out that his previous addresses were vision casting, and that this year's address was happening with many of those goals having turned into reality. Milton emphasized some of those dreams come true.

Business and Economy

  • The local economy stands strong and continues growing.
  • Tourism remains as the fuel of Branson -- Entertainment, nature and hospital, for example.
  • Entrepreneurs are succeeding -- They are helping shape the city.

"But we are not just a destination, we are a wave of economic growth," Milton said. He didn't leave his statements without support. He turned to numbers. Milton said Branson's building permit value increased by 14% this past year.

The mayor went on, stating that that shows that businesses are deciding to "invest in Branson as their home." Lest one think that holds little significance, Milton highlighted how much the city pulled in via development during the last five years.

"In fact, in just the past five years, our city has benefitted from more than an estimated $400 million in actual development." That statement from Milton was met with applause.

Part of Branson's business success comes from the effort to remove red tape. "We launched a red tape review initiative to remove outdated regulations, streamline processes and create an even more business-friendly environment, where innovation and investment can thrive," Milton said.

Some of those review initiatives aimed at reforming short-term rentals, reducing regulations for developers and striking down obstacles that food truck businesses faced. "We will continue to identify and remove unnecessary obstacles that stand in the way of local business growth, and we will continue to operate at the speed of business," Milton said.

After declaring the city's strong status in business, Milton turned to the core of Branson. He explained that before existing as a tourist destination, Branson exists as a community first. "That's why we remain steadfast in our efforts to improve the quality of life for all who Branson home."

Public Safety

A central part of that effort involves supplying resources to keep public safety in healthy position. Milton said that stands as the city government's "top priority." Milton took time to express gratitude to Branson's public safety team.

"I want to take a moment to say, 'thank you' to our men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line every single day." Those in attendance responded to Milton's comment by popping up from their seats with applause.

The mayor said the goal of funding, supplying and training public safety is to keep Branson "one of the safest cities in Missouri." Milton pointed out a few ways the city government has propelled public safety forward.

He said that in 2024, Branson's government:

  • Purchased specialized rescue gear
  • Replaced two outdoor warning sirens
  • Hired an emergency management coordinator
  • Finished building a new fire station on schedule and within budget; it's fully staffed. He added that the first residential fire to which the new station responded had a response time of just over three and a half minutes. Milton said that the national average response time is five and a half minutes.

In addition, Milton pointed to the new police headquarters. It's under construction. "And once completed later this year, on time and on budget, this facility will enhance our department's ability to serve and protect our community for decades to come," Milton said.

Furthermore, he said Branson's police force achieved a full staff in 2024. That's a jump from the force's 60% staff of patrol officers of past years.

"This means more proactive policing, more resources to prevent and solve crime and to send a resounding message to criminals: they [criminals] are not welcome in Branson." Branson's mayor said.

Wrap Up: Branson Values and a Bright Future

After praising other accomplishments in Branson, Milton aimed the spotlight on one of Branson's most towering attributes: Patriotism. While the nation will celebrate 250 years of independence in 2026, Branson will stand tall with a unique celebration.

"Here in Branson, we will lead the way in celebrating this great nation," Milton said. He explained that Branson has a history of "champions, patriotism and respect." To carry on that legacy, Milton said Branson will take the next year to prepare for that 250 celebration.

Honoring veterans comes with that. "Every veteran who has raised their hand and took the oath to protect our country is honored and respected in Branson, Missouri," Milton said. He went on to brand the city with a bold label as he has before.

"Branson is the most patriotic city in America." He later added that if Branson stays true to its identity, what the city can achieve remains limitless.

His full address is on the Branson government's Facebook Page.

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