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Mel’s Hard Luck Diner celebrates 30 years

The expression “singing for your supper” may have been around a long time, but for one diner in the heart of the 76 Strip, this year marks the 30th year of serving songs with supper to Branson residents and guests.

Mel’s Hard Luck Diner, home of the singing servers, opened in 1993 under the ownership of Silver Dollar City. The 1950s style diner serving a variety of All-American fare features neon lights throughout the restaurant, with 45 vinyl records, photos of both legendary local performers and all-time singing greats, and vintage Coke memorabilia lining the walls.

Mel Bilbo, who co-owns the restaurant with his wife Liz, told Branson Tri-Lakes News the restaurant wasn’t always filled with singing servers when they purchased the business 18 years ago.

The full article is available at

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