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Milton: Rouch Dismissal an Administrative Decision

Branson Mayor Larry Milton says that the dismissal of Finance Director Jamie Rouch was an Administrative Decision.

The discussion was part of an exchange at Tuesday's Branson Board of Aldermen Meeting covered by Ozarks First, which included former Ward 1 Alderman Bill Skains addressing the Board and stating concerns about city staff fearing for their jobs. He also talked about that the candidates were running on a platform of transparency yet held two special closed meetings last week. 

Milton during his response clarified that the decision to terminate Rouch was not made by the board, but was a decision made by the City Administrator and was handled in accordance to Legal Counsel. 

Ozarks Dyna Com requested the minutes from both of the Executive Sessions held last week. As reported earlier, the meeting on the 19th did result in City Administrator Stan Dobbins being put on leave for the remainder of the month until his retirement date which is this Saturday. In that meeting, City Clerk Lisa Westfall was named Acting City Administrator. 

The minutes of the Executive Session on the 22nd indicates the only two board decision's made were the creation of a settlement agreement from Employment Counsel and the increase of Westfall's hourly pay while she is Acting City Administrator as well as City Clerk. 

Besides Dobbins and Rouch, two other employees have resigned including former Assistant City Administrator John Manning and another person in the City's Finance Department. 

More on the discussion at Tuesday's Branson Board of Alderman Meeting can be seen through the City's YouTube Channel as well as a report posted on the Ozarks First Website.


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