Traveling musician turned author Sharon Kizziah-Holmes talked about her creative journey on Wednesday.
Kizziah-Holmes spoke about it during KHOZ's "Around The Table" program. She said she started writing songs at 12. She also wrote poetry. It didn't occur to her to write a book. However, that all changed in about 1990.
A friend of hers approached her with the idea to write a romance novel together. Later on, Kizziah-Holmes joined a group called Ozarks Romance Authors. She's a group member, but there's a twist.
"I really, honestly don't write romance much anymore," Kizziah-Holmes said. Instead, she writes biographical fiction or creative nonfiction, short stories and mystery. One example of her biographical fiction tells the story of her day.
That book tells stories of things that actually happened to her father but with a creative spin. That book and more of the author's work is available online. More was discussed on the broadcast.
The full interview with Kizziah-Holmes is available on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.