MISSOURI — This week, a Missouri House Committee heard House Bill 709, which is aimed at removing Non-Disclosure Agreements for victims of child sex abuse.
Non-Disclosure Agreements, more commonly known as “NDAs”, are legal documents that can prevent parties in cases from discussing specifics of the case, such as a settlement amount.
Opponents of the NDAs say they’re more used as tools to silence victims from speaking out against their alleged abuser.
“Organizations use these NDAs to silence victims of abuse, and the really sad thing to me about that is healing really only happens in community. When you restrict the survivor’s voice and don’t allow them to share their experience with other people through things such as non-disclosure agreements that prevents victims of childhood sexual abuse from being able to begin the healing process,” Logan Yandell said.
Yandell is a survivor of child sex abuse and says his abuse happened during his time at Kanakuk Camps in Branson, Missouri in the late 2000s/early 2010s.
HB 709 was introduced by State Rep. Brian Seitz, who represents Taney County. The full article is available at ozarksfirst.com.
(Story by Parker Padgett, ozarksfirst.com)