Today, voters throughout the State of Missouri are heading to the polls to cast ballots in the Primary Election to determine their party’s nominations for the November General Election.
Statewide Office Nominations include Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Treasurer. Nominations will be determined for 7th District Congressman and one of the State’s two U.S. Senate Seats. The area State House and Senate Seats also are contested in the primary.
Locally, most County Offices are Republican only races with contested races in Taney County to include for the position of Eastern District Commissioner and for County Assessor. In Stone County, both Northern and Southern Commissioner positions are contested along with a contested race for Sheriff.
Other items voters will see on the ballot will be two Statewide Constitutional Questions. One involves possible property tax breaks for businesses and organizations to provide Daycare Facilities for employees and to other would authorize laws that increase minimum funding for police forces established by the state including the current Police Department in Kansas City.
Other items locally will include voters in Stone County selecting the first board members of the recently established Stone County Ambulance District while voters in the Taney County community of Rockaway Beach will vote on a Use Tax.
Polls are open until 7:00 with Elections Return coverage coming up this evening on the Ozarks Now Facebook Page and Legends 1063.