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Missouri sees slight job losses in monthly jobs report

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri saw a slight downturn in the number of jobs in the state, according to Missouri’s monthly job report for January 2025.

The job report from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center states that Missouri’s nonfarm payroll employment dropped by 17,200 jobs in January 2025, marginally increasing the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate from 3.6% in December 2024 to 3.7%.

The job losses were led by private industry employment, which lost 18,800 jobs over the month. These losses were most pronounced in manufacturing (-8,100 jobs); leisure and hospitality (-3,600 jobs); trade, transportation, and utilities (-2,700 jobs); information (-1,600 jobs); and professional and business services (-1,500 jobs).

The full article is available at

(Story by Drew Tasset,

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