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Missouri senators unhappy with congressional map delay

Republican senators are blaming each other for problems within the Missouri Senate, leading some to say Senate leadership should step down if not up for the job.

Business in the Senate has been stalled for weeks due to redrawing the state’s congressional map, and for the time being, the plan is to step away from debate. Senate Majority Leadership says Missourians have a right to be disappointed. 

“Hopefully, we can get past this kind of embarrassing start that’s we’ve encountered, and all grow up a little bit and get back to business,” Senate Majority Leader Caleb Rowden, R-Columbia, said. 

After working all last week and through Saturday, members had Monday off, but when they returned Tuesday, they weren't debating the congressional map. 

“It seems like we’re just kind of stuck in the mud,” Senate Minority Leader John Rizzo, D-Independence, said. “This is about as contentious as I’ve ever seen it in the Missouri Senate in my time there and really my time in the building.” The story can be read in full on

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