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Missouri’s new governor releases budget, legislative proposals in State of the State

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — In his first State of the State address, Gov. Mike Kehoe announced he is proposing a $53.7 billion state budget, but it includes not fully funding the state’s education system.

Gov. Mike Kehoe said he wants to cut taxes, expand child care access and increase penalties for crime, but during his 48-minute speech, he explains why he wants to make the most sizeable changes to the state’s education system. His proposal includes leaving out $300 million for the state agency, saying the foundation formula has gotten out of control.

“Throwing more money at the problem is not the solution,” Kehoe said. “We have invested over $4 billion in K-12 education and we still aren’t seeing acceptable results across the state.”

Education was the centerpiece of Kehoe’s first State of the State address, but Democrats said they would not let the state neglect the system.

“When that foundation formula remained flat for year after year after year as inflation was climbing through the roof, we didn’t have a problem with the formula, but now that the formula is starting to work, now we’re looking at it because we’re worried, we can’t afford it,” Rep. Kathy Steinhoff, D-Columbia, said.

The full article is available at

(Story Emily Manley,

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