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New Reeds Spring Primary School will open doors soon

REEDS SPRING, Mo. — The doors to the Reeds Spring Primary School first opened in the 1960’s. Nearly 50 years later, the primary school is expanding, thanks to a bond issue passed by voters.

While the new hallways aren’t quite ready for eager students, they are only a month or two away from opening the doors. Currently, the youngest students of the district are spread out over three buildings, leaving Principal Adria Simkins spread thin.

When the doors finally open, it will be a dream come true for Simkins, “We’ve made it work, but it is just going to be delightful to have everybody under one roof. Every time I walk through the new building it’s just beautiful. I cannot wait to get our classrooms full of children.”

The full article is available at

(Story by Natalie Nunn,

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