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Nixa and Ozark Police Face Unfavorable Outcome

Police forces in Nixa and Ozark faced an unfavorable outcome after a vote on taxes. reports that in addition to voting against a parks tax, Nixa voters voted down a use tax that was meant for the police department This caused Nixa department leaders to say "they would likely be forced to make cuts to certain programs." Nixa City Administrator Jimmy Liles voiced his displeasure with the results.

"While we respect the decision of the majority of Nixa voters to maintain the current sales tax rate, unfortunately, this decision by voters means the municipal government now faces some very difficult challenges," Liles said. He also pointed out that Nixa won't have the opportunity to hire additional police officers.

"We will not be able to hire more Police Officers in the foreseeable future without making serious cuts elsewhere in the budget. In order to add each additional officer, the city must budget for salary, benefits, equipment, training and half the costs of a police vehicle. These costs add up to over $120,000 annually," the city administrator said. The rest of Liles' statement can be read at

Ozark is facing similar circumstances. According to the article, Ozark Police Chief Justin Arnold said some programs might need cut; this is because lack of funds and not enough officers. The following is from a Facebook post from the Ozark police.

The whole article about Ozark's recent vote can be read at

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