Nixa police still want residents to lock their doors, according to a post on the department's Facebook Page.
The full post is below:
In a recent study, Nixa came in at #23 on the list of America's Most Trusting Towns in 2023 and was chosen for its low crime rates compared to state and national averages. The overall crime rates in Nixa are around 60% lower than the national average. In terms of violent crimes, Nixa rates are lower than 80% of the national average.
Please note: While the article says Nixa "feels" like a place where neighbors can leave their doors unlocked, we always STRONGLY advise locking your doors as this helps us keep crime rates low.
This is an amazing community and we are proud to serve you!
Check out the full article here: https://www.ozarksfirst.com/.../study-says-nixa-is.../...
The above was originally posted on the Nixa Police Department's Facebook Page.