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November 11, One of the Most Extreme Days in the Ozarks Weather History

Weather Graphic courtesy Ozarks First

People in the Ozarks that have any knowledge of significant weather days has heard the story of November 11, 1911, the day where a record high and low were set on the same day.

While the Ozarks has had its share of significant temperature drops, including a couple of days this year, nothing compares to this day in 1911 when the Ozarks experienced a major temperature drop.

The National Weather Service had only been keeping temperature records for around 20 years when the extreme temperature swing occurred on November 11. Ozarks First recaps the day from NWS Records in a recent story, that saw the temperature reach 80 degrees, followed by the temperature drop which began around mid-afternoon. The 3:00 reading was at 80, by 4:00 with the wind shift to the northwest, the temperature dropped all the way to 40 degrees and continued to drop throughout the day. Just before midnight, the temperature was at 13 degrees. 

112 years later, those temperatures are still the record high and low for this date. 

According to records, no storms were reported that day but there was some damage reported due to the strong and shifting winds.

Today will see no records as the low this morning dropped to the low 30s and this afternoon's high will be in the upper 50s to around 60. 

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