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Pack Night Raises Nearly $80,000 for Scholarships

The Reeds Spring School Foundation raised a record $79,200 through its PACK NIGHT fundraiser

The money will be used to provide scholarships to Reeds Spring High School seniors who plan to further their education at a college or trade school.

Dolly Parton's Stampede donated all of the ticket sales from one of its shows, and several businesses and individuals chipped in as scholarship sponsors. 

"The RSHS Class of 2023 has future doctors, nurses, teachers, mechanics, entrepreneurs, and even an architect," said School Foundation Chairman Ben Fisher. "The Reeds Spring School Foundation is honored to help them start their journeys to fulfilling careers."

The Foundation also raises money through a golf tournament. The Wolf Howl Scramble is scheduled for October 2 at Pointe Royale. 

(Release and photo from Reeds Spring School Foundation)

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