Branson will be doing a test of their Outdoor Storm Siren this week.
The press release from the City of Branson is below:
Branson Fire Rescue will perform a regularly scheduled monthly test of the Outdoor Warning Siren System at 10:00 a.m. this Wednesday. As part of this test, the sirens will sound several times over a 20 minute time period for additional service and maintenance testing.
As a reminder, the sirens are normally tested each month on the second Wednesday for a three-minute cycle.
The City of Branson maintains 23 Outdoor Warning Sirens across the community. These sirens are designed to warn people outdoors of a variety of emergencies that might include severe thunderstorms, flooding or tornadoes. When activated, residents are encouraged to seek shelter in a sturdy building and then seek information as to what the emergency might be by listening to an NOAA Weather Radio or watching local broadcasts television stations.
For more information about how to prepare for severe weather in Branson, how to sign up for BransonAlerts for emergency weather communication and about Branson’s Outdoor Warning Siren program, go to the Emergency Management section of Branson Fire Rescue’s website, BransonMo.Gov/Fire.