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Reeds Spring High School lockdown lifted

Reeds Spring schools are no longer under lockdown; a news release can be read below.

Law enforcement has identified the student who made the social media threat against Reeds Spring High School. We now believe the situation is under control and students are not in any danger. The student will face discipline according to board policy.

Our schools are no longer on lockdown. We would like to thank law enforcement for their quick response and our students and staff for their cooperation. Please know that our counselors are available to talk to any students or staff who need support. 

We encourage parents to have conversations with students about the implications of posting to social media, as well as what to do if a student notices another person's posts on any social platform that threatens the safety of others or themselves.

Some suggestions:
1. If you see something, say something -- to a parent, a staff member, law enforcement, or a trusted adult. 
2. Take screenshots, learn how to block individuals, and report the situation as necessary to the app/website developers.
3. When posting, students need to remember -- be responsible and thoughtful; what they post can have serious and long-lasting implications for their present and future.

The Reeds Spring School District believes a safe environment is essential and takes all threats seriously. 

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