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Report: 18% of State Positions Unfilled in Arkansas

Nearly 18% of 66,000 Arkansas executive branch and higher education jobs remained unfilled this year, according to available data posted by the Arkansas Advocate.

The Arkansas Department of Veteran Affairs (ADVA) reported the highest percentage of staff vacancies in a single department, according to the Department of Transformation and Shared Services. Of the agency’s 303 total positions, nearly 59% were unfilled as of Dec. 5.

While Veteran Affairs had the highest vacancy rate among departments, the Department of Finance and Administration’s Division of Racing reported a 78% vacancy rate with 11 of its 14 positions empty as of Dec. 5. Higher Education also saw several vacancies on campuses across the state.

A link to the complete article from the Arkansas Advocate can be found on the KTLO Website.

(From KTLO/Arkansas Advocate)

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