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Sam Adams to Release Beer Illegal in Arkansas, Missouri

Samuel Adams is preparing to release its latest batch of its Utopias beer, but don’t expect to find any in Arkansas or Missouri.

The beer, which which is typically released every two years, is 28% alcohol by volume and will be unable to be purchased in both The Natural State and the Show-Me State due to its high alcohol content.

Consumers in 15 states will be unable to purchase the beer when it is released Monday. Utopias cannot lawfully be sold in or shipped to Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont or West Virginia.

Introduced in 2002, each bottle of Utopias contains a portion of every previous edition of the beer.

This year’s offering is “a blend of batches” made with 2,000 pounds of cherries and has what the Samuel Adams website describes as “a deep rich malty smoothness reminiscent of a vintage port, cognac, or fine sherry.”

Any beer connoisseur hoping to find Utopias on the shelf in another state should be prepared to pay up for the beverage. This year’s batch will cost $240 a bottle.

(From KTLO)

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