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School of the Ozarks faculty member, Kyle Rapinchuk, receives the 2023 Christian Teacher of the Year from the Herzog Foundation

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — Dr. Kyle Rapinchuk, associate professor of Christian Worldview, received the Christian Teacher of the Year award from the Herzog Foundation. The Christian Teacher of the Year awards are part of the Herzog Foundation’s Excellence in Christian Education award series.

“As a laboratory school that seeks to be a model to other Christian institutions, it is a blessing for one of our teachers to be recognized as one of twelve teachers in the entire nation as a leader in Christ-centered education,” said Dr. Brad Dolloff, dean of School of the Ozarks. “It is nice when others recognize the valuable calling of our teachers and school. Dr. Rapinchuk is known by students and teachers alike as one of the most challenging, yet most loved educators at S of O.”

“It is a great honor to be recognized among so many great educators for the work I’ve done at School of the Ozarks,” Rapinchuk said.  “Personally, I am encouraged in receiving this award as it suggests that others see and value the work that I do each day to be the best teacher I can be for my students.”

Each awardee will receive a monetary gift and a trip to Washington, D.C. for the Herzog Foundation’s Teacher of the Year Awards Gala in September. The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation’s mission is to catalyze and accelerate the development of quality Christ-centered K-12 education so that families and culture flourish.

“Kyle seeks to develop citizens of Christlike character both in and out of the classroom,” Dolloff said. “Kyle’s lessons are relevant and timely, challenging and deep, as well as influential. Several of our graduates have been inspired by Dr. Rapinchuk to pursue vocations in Christian education. Kyle and his wife Kristin also disciple students and young couples as a ministry beyond what happens at school. Furthermore, Kyle is continually seeking to deepen his walk with Christ, improve as a classical Christian educator, and to challenge all of us to become better educators.”

To learn more about the Herzog Foundation, visit their website at

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