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Silver Dollar City to Celebrate Grand Opening of Record-Breaking Indoor Family Coaster on March 30

(Branson, Mo., 3/1/2024) Sound the alarm! The wait is over. Silver Dollar City announces the Grand Opening Celebration for the all-new Fire In The Hole on Saturday, March 30 at 9:45 a.m. The record-breaking, indoor family coaster—the largest in the Heartland—will make a ceremonial trip down the tracks following a ribbon cutting and welcome from Mayor Brad Thomas. The fire-themed festivities also include live performances by The City’s resident firefighting band and a commemorative sticker for all “First Recruit” riders.

Almost a decade in the making, the new Fire In The Hole carries on the story of the historic night when the Baldknobbers set fire to the Ozark mining town and the heroic citizens fought the flames to save The City. That heroism is brought to life in an exciting new way, pulling riders into the action with special details that make each ride a different experience. It’s fondly familiar, yet daringly different—it’s “Fire In The Hole!”

The $30-million Fire In The Hole is Silver Dollar City’s largest investment —to date—for a single attraction. The coaster is housed in a five-story, climate-controlled building and features 14 immersive scenes with state-of-the-art technology, including onboard audio and enhanced digital displays. Riders will travel the 1,512-foot track at eight feet per second, making three drops and a final water splashdown.

Silver Dollar City opens the 2024 season on March 9 for Spring Break. For ticket information, visit or download the Silver Dollar City app for up-to-date festival calendars and show schedules. Also, be sure to follow our social channels for the latest news on Fire In The Hole.

The above press release is from Silver Dollar City.

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