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Social Media Tax Talk Corrected

Councilman Mitch Magness addressed the community during the Feb. 13 City Council meeting about Harrison having the lowest sales tax of any city similar in size in Arkansas.

“There’s been a lot of discussion recently on social media, and I’ve received some phone calls,” Magness said. “Most people wanted to know if we were, indeed, the lowest in taxes in the state.”

“I told them, ‘Yes’ we are the lowest of communities our size. Then, they compared us to Branson. Our tax rate here is 9.5% with the state coming in at 6.5%. Between the Boone County Tax and the City of Harrison tax, that’s three additional percent, bringing it to 9.5%.

Magness explained, “They kept saying Branson had lower taxes than Harrison, and that’s actually not true.”

Mayor Jackson added, “There may be a pocket or two in Branson that may be lower, but the general area is not.”

The above Harrison government press release is available in its entirety online.

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