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The Ladies' Jane Austin Tea Party Welcomes Guests in October

The Ladies' Jane Austin Tea Party is on Oct. 11 at Oak Lane Free Will Baptist in Harrison, according to Courtney Lantis.

Lantis appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" to talk about it. It's $10 to attend, and registration closes after Sept. 25. She said it's from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. It launched last year. Every other month, she held ladies' tea gatherings at her church.

She kept those gatherings small in size to test the waters. She chose to open it to the public this year in the form of a spring tea party.

That event's popularity propelled Lantis to host a larger party. This year's party is a Jane Austin-themed tea party for women. Attendees are invited to come in purchased or self-made costumes.

These parties are Lantis' way of forging an environment conducive to fellowship for women. She pointed to busyness and a sense that younger women and teens weren't connecting with older women as inspiration for the tea parties.

Anyone wanting more information can call or text Lantis at 573-296-8641. More was discussed on the broadcast.

The full interview with Lantis is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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