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Tick Numbers High in the Lakes Region

Photo from Taney County Health Department

As the temperature heats up in the Lakes Region, an area health department reminds people to not forget a small, external parasite.

Tick numbers have been reported high in the region according to Omar Perez of the Taney County Health Department. Perez says during a recent "At Your Service" podcast that ticks are especially prevalent in tall, grassy areas as well as brush and trees. 

Ticks can carry many diseases which include some that can be fatal if not treated. Perez says it is important that if bitten by a tick to make note of when it happened and monitor for symptoms. Wearing long clothing and repellents if in areas likely to have ticks is important as is to make sure ticks are completely removed the skin. 

Owners of outside pets also need to be on the lookout for ticks on their pets. 

Perez also adds that despite most people's thinking, ticks live year round and can be an issue during the winter months. 

The complete podcast can be found on the Branson Podcast Network. 

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