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U.S. Army Corps, Mo Dept of Conservation Team-Up for Youth Hunt

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking applications from youth hunters who would like to participate in a special archery deer hunt Oct. 14-15 at Table Rock Lake.

Five permits will be issued to hunters ages 6-15 and applicants must submit a completed application form by Sept. 29. 

Application forms may be obtained online at…/special-event-application/ or by calling 501-340-1937. A random drawing and hunter notification will occur on Oct. 2.

All participants and their guardians must attend a mandatory safety briefing from 5 until 7 on Oct. 13 located at 653 Hatchery Rd in Branson next to the Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery.

Participants must have guardian consent, a current Missouri archery permit, meet all 2023 Missouri Department of Conservation deer hunting regulations and be accompanied during the hunt by an unarmed adult over 18 years old. Hunters must provide their own bows or crossbows and youth must be skilled enough to safely operate them.

Access, hunting blinds and chairs will be provided to help youth enjoy a safe and successful outdoor recreational experience.

Officials state they hope this opportunity helps create an interest in conservation, the outdoors and to develop a good hunting ethic, while improving the deer herd in the area.


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