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U.S. Representative Rick Crawford Coming to Harrison's Walmart for his Novel Signing

U.S. Representative Rick Crawford will sign copies of his historical fiction novel "The Stinger Proxy" at Harrison's Walmart on Jan. 23.

Crawford, congressman for the First District of Arkansas, joined KHOZ's "Around The Table" on Friday for a phone interview to discuss his book. The story is set in 1988. The following is the book's description.

"Most everyone is familiar with the story of Charlie Wilson’s War, immortalized on the big screen by actor Tom Hanks in the title role. What most people aren’t familiar with are the countless stories of the boots on the ground who helped the determined Congressman Charlie Wilson execute his mission to help free the people of Afghanistan from Soviet occupation. The Stinger Proxy, a novel based on Congressman Rick Crawford’s personal experience as an Army bomb tech who served in “Charlie Wilson’s War," is one such story."

The representative and author said Hollywood has approached him about turning his work of historic fiction into a movie. The book is available in stores and online from his publisher.

Amazon has the book for sale too. Crawford served in the U.S. Army.

He was an explosive ordnance disposal technician; in other words, he was part of a bomb squad. More information about the congressman is on his website. More was discussed on the broadcast.

The full interview with Crawford is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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