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UPDATE: City of Branson Releases More Information on City Administrator Hire

The City of Branson has released documents from the Executive City Council Meeting in which Cathy Stepp was appointed the city's new administrator along with the Employment Agreement

According to the minutes of the Closed Session Meeting that took place on September 27, Alderman Marshall Howden made the motion to hire Stepp as the City Administrator. The document does not specify who seconded the motion but does say that Howden along with Ruth Denham and Ralph LeBlanc voted in favor of  the hiring while Clay Cooper, Cody Fenton, and Chuck Rodriquez voted against it. With the 3-3 tie, Mayor Larry Milton cast a tiebreaking vote to approve the hiring. The minutes state Stepp's Salary is $154,439.81 annually. 

The agreement release indicates that Stepp is the Chief Executive Officer to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and shall be the Head Administrative Officer to the City. The agreement also outlines other specific duties for the administrator and terms of termination by either party. The agreement specifies at least one annual evaluation of job performance and that her term as administrator is indefinite. 

A link to the documents can be found through the City of Branson Website.


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