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Veterans Homecoming Week Wraps in Branson with Sunrise Service, Parade

File Photo courtesy Branson Veterans of America 913

The Annual Branson Veterans Day Parade Thursday winds down a full week of activities during Veterans Homecoming Week.

Today is the last full day of activities at the Veterans Village at Ballparks of America and the Traveling Vietnam Veterans Wall at the Welk Resort along with this morning wrapping up the IMAX Military Film Festival and the final big show, the Annual Tribute to Veterans Show at the Mansion Theater. 

Veterans Day Thursday will start with a Sunrise Service at 7:00 am at College of the Ozarks followed shortly there after by the staging for the 89th Annual Veterans Day Parade through the downtown area which will step off at 11:00 am. The parade will go northward on Branson Landing Blvd. then turn back south going down Commercial Street. Parking will be closed on Commercial Street early Thursday morning with several other downtown streets blocked off during the morning. 

Coverage of the Branson Veterans Day Parade can be heard on Legends 1063 at 11:00 am. 

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