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Visitors Continue Heading to Branson Rising COVID Numbers

The current rise in COVID Numbers in the Branson Lakes Area as well as all of southwest Missouri is drawing national attention.

Several national media outlets have been reporting the information mentioning the rise of cases of the Delta Variant as well low vaccination numbers as the reason for the rise which has led the Centers for Disease Control to label the Lakes Region as a "COVID Hot Spot."

Recent numbers discussed in interviews for the "At Your Service" Podcast from the Taney and Stone County Health Departments state the current total vaccination rates in the county is at just under 25% and around 30% respectively.

Despite the attention and listing from the CDC, the number of visitors to the region are still on the verge of setting records.

Jason Outman, President/CEO of the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, says in an e-mail to Hometown Daily News that so far, tax collections indicate Branson is having their best year ever.

"With so many safe options to plan for in Branson, I believe our visitor is recognizing that they can have a great experience even through a pandemic.  I know the CDC is cautioning us due to the numbers, but our visitors are smart, educated, and ready for a great time", Outman tells Hometown Daily News.

In an interview on KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program Wednesday, Branson Mayor Larry Milton says he does not intend to recommend any reinstatement of mandatory COVID-19 Safety Protocols.

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