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Why Missouri lawmakers can challenge voter-approved laws

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Several months after Missouri voters approved ballot measures to expand abortion rights and raise the minimum wage, both are now facing challenges from state lawmakers.

This raises an important question: How can Missouri legislators attempt to repeal or override policies that voters directly approved to be enshrined into state law?

The communications director for the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office tells FOX 2 that, currently, “There is no specific statutory protection in Missouri law that prevents lawmakers from challenging or altering voter-approved amendments or propositions.”

That’s something one advocacy group is hoping to change.

The Respect MO Voters Coalition has begun gathering public input for a constitutional amendment that would prevent Missouri politicians from overturning or undermining voter-approved measures.

The coalition aims to get an amendment on a future ballot through the citizen initiative process, ensuring that voters, not politicians, have a final say on voter-approved state laws.

Benjamin Singer, coalition representative and CEO of Show Me Integrity, says that challenges to voter-approved laws in Missouri typically happen when the political party in power of the state legislature opposes a voter-approved measure.

The full article is available at

(Story by Joey Schneider,

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