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Young Harrison Author and CEO Going to New York City to Host Event

Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents is participating in a New York City event, according to Amanda Chitsey.

Chitsey appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" on Monday to discuss what's happening with the organization. Chitsey revealed that her daughter Ruby, who's the founder and CEO of the nonprofit, is going to New York City's Barnes & Noble on March 7 to host Reading is Fundamental's "Rally to Read" closing event at 2 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Ruby will introduce author and Today Show personality Hoda Kotb. In addition to Kotb, author Chris Grabenstein will participate. Volunteers are welcomed and needed to help fuel and propel the mission of Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents.

Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents started six years ago. It's a nonprofit aiming to make the wishes of seniors living in long-term care facilities and the group is led by youths. The wishes they make realities are small. They make give them things like haircuts, shoes, food, blankets, and more.

Chitsey said that they have made an estimated 65,000 wishes come true. More was discussed during the broadcast.

The full interview with Chitsey is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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