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C of O's Thomas Medals at National Meet

Photo courtesy College of the Ozarks Sports Information

A College of the Ozarks Track Athlete takes home a medal as last week's NCCAA National Meet.

The release below from College of the Ozarks Sports Information:

The Bobcat Track and Field team capped off a successful season by sending two athletes to the NCCAA Track and Field National Championships, which took place in Greenville, Illinois on May 11th through the 13th. 

A returning face to the National Championship, senior Matthew Thomas made his final appearance in the discus, shot put, and javelin throw, making it in the top five for all three events. In the discus throw, Thomas punched a ticket onto the podium with a throw of 45.74 to take third place, 4.16 meters further than the fourth-place contender. Thomas placed fourth in shot put, with a total distance of 14.45 meters. Giving his all in the javelin throw, Thomas took fifth overall with a distance of 50.38 meters and managed a new personal best by a total of near four meters.

Thomas was accompanied at the National Championship by newcomer Janvier Irakoze. Irakoze capitalized on his first season with the Bobcats by running his way into the NCCAA National Championship’s 1500 meter. With a total time of 4:14.39, Janvier clawed his way into the top ten, closing out an impressive first year.

A successful end to the 2021-22 season leaves the team looking forward to a promising new season of Bobcat track and field led by Coach Kenzie Larkin. 

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