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Final Area Teams Eliminated from Postseason Basketball Play

Area High School wrap-up the 2024-25 Basketball season as the final area teams were eliminated from Postseason Tournaments on Saturday.

Two of the games were heard on MOARK Sports with the Branson Lady Pirates lost to Nixa 70-30 in the Class 6 District Semifinals at Ozark while in Hollister, the Reeds Spring Lady Wolves fell in the Class 4 District Title Game to Rogersville 56-20.

In Arkansas, the season also ended for the Jasper Lady Pirates as they dropped their 1A State Semifinal contest at Trumann to Earle 67-47.

Action also wrapped up at the 3A State Basketball Tournament at North Arkansas College. Semifinal results:

Lamar 51 Harding Academy 39
Dover 59 Mountain View 44

Melbourne 76 Lamar 40
Osceola 51 Elkins 37

All Arkansas Semifinal winners move to the State Championship Games next weekend in Hot Springs.



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