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Forsyth Falls Behind Early, Gets A Chance to Get Back in Game Today

The Forsyth Panthers has a chance to regroup after a slow start in the Class 3 Sectional Game at Licking.

The homestanding Wildcats scored seven runs in the first three innings before lightning in the area forced a delay and eventually a suspension of play until today. 

Forsyth, the home team in the game after winning the coin flip, had a runner on and two outs in the bottom of the third when a nearby lightning strike forced the game into a delay. While rain didn't fall during this time, lightning was close enough to the field to force the delay to continue. Shortly after the game was suspended, rain began to fall in the area. 

Officials are planning on restarting the game at 5:30 this afternoon in Licking if field conditions permit. A change of location to Forsyth or another field is possible if field conditions won't allow play to continue in Licking. 

The winner of the game will take on Stockton in the Class 3 Quarterfinals on Thursday. 

Live coverage of the completion of the game plus a recording of the first part of the game can all be found at MOARK Sports Dot Com.


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