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Hollister Teen Competes in E-Sports State Championship

Hollister Esports Team Picture courtesy Hollister School District

A Hollister High School freshman competed in an Esports Tournament.

Cade Shimon battled for the state champion title in the Missouri Scholastic Esports Federation (MOSEF) Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament. The Hollister High School team competed individually against 99 other participants in the state tournament last month. Shimon made it into the top 8, earning his place in the state championship.

Shimon placed 5th in the Super Smash state tournament. He says he gets nervous going into the competitions, but he’s always prepared to get his head in the game.

“You just have to block out all the noise, you just have to stay focused – if you feel like you’re losing, don’t give up yet, keep persevering,” said Shimon.

With Hollister’s esports program being so new, Shimon says that even placing at all at the state level proves their worth.

“It would just be a great accomplishment for myself, for the team, for Hollister it would just be amazing,” said Shimon. Personally, I feel we’re the underdogs most of the time but just coming out and showing we can do it is just going to bring light to Hollister.”

The Missouri Scholastic Esports Federation (MOSEF) supports the growth of scholastic esports by providing schools with education about esports and equitable access for students to competitive leagues while promoting a safe and fun experience.

(Story by Blake Stovall, Ozarks First)

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