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MOARK Sports Basketball Tonight, Thursday Scores

After a night off Thursday, the MOARK Sports Online Teams are on the road for action tonight.

The Harrison Goblins and Lady Goblins are on the road tonight to play Alma with the Girls starting at 6:00, the Boys around 7:30. Both of those games will also air on 94.9 KHOZ.

Other games covered by MOARK Sports tonight includes Forsyth's trip to Mansfield while Reeds Spring hits the road to take on Marshfield. Both games will also begin around 7:30.

Thursday Scores
Branson 61 Neosho 28
Strafford 68 Forsyth 35
Blue Eye 56 Spokane 34
Marion C Early 57 Crane 37
Omaha 68 Lead Hill 28
Marshall 78 Cedar Ridge 61

Billings 44 School of the Ozarks 35
Omaha 53 Lead Hill 40
Marshall 78 Cedar Ridge 62
Jasper 65 Alpena 33
Greenland 56 Cotter 42

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