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Reeds Spring Football Player Caden Wiest Honored by Ozarks First

Caden Wiest photo courtesy Ozarks First

Ozarks First honors a Lakes Area Athlete after his team wins a Football District Championship.

Ozarks First Sports Director Dan Lucy has the details:

This week’s athlete of the week (11/14) is Caden Wiest from Reeds Spring High School.

Wiest is a 6-foot-4 senior tight end and defensive end on the Wolves football team.

And the Missouri State commit continued his great season in the district championships this past Friday.

Against Osage, Wiest ran for an 11 yard touchdown, and caught a ten yard and a 27 yard touchdown pass.

Reeds Spring beat Osage 35-6 to advance to the state quarterfinals.

This is the first time in 42 years that the Wolves have reached the quarters.

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