Betty Gene Zielinski, age 82, of Merriam Woods, Missouri.
Betty Gene Zielinski, age 82, of Merriam Woods, Missouri, passed away March 19, 2024. She entered this life August 28, 1941, in Houston, Texas, the daughter of Carolyn (Alice) Christensen. She was joined in marriage November 1, 1980, to Steven Zielinski.
Always helping others, Betty was both a Girl Scout leader and a Cub Scout leader while her children were members of the troops. She was president of the Brownsville Friends of the Library and on the board of directors for the Port Isabelle No Kill Animal Shelter. Betty was always trying to play pranks on her husband and family and was a danger to trout when she found the opportunity to fish. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
Betty is preceded in death by her parents; stepfather, Clyde Dorty; and two brothers.
Betty is survived by her husband of 43 years, Steven Zielinski; daughter, Linda Rousseau of San Antonio, Texas; son, A.J. Rousseau of Houston, Texas; three grandchildren: Chande DeGlopper, Andrew Rousseau, and Kyle Rousseau; two greatgrandchildren: Alec and Devin; three great-great grandchildren: Elyse, Kalee, and Kadence; and two great-great-grandchildren: Bently and Elayah.
No formal services are currently planned. Arrangements and cremation are under the direction of Cremations of the Ozarks. To leave and online condolence or a memory, please visit www.cremationsoftheozarks.com.