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Carl Young

Carl Young of Taneyville, Missouri.

Carl Young of Taneyville, Missouri, passed away peacefully in his home March 6, 2025. He was born and raised in Protem, Missouri and was one of nine children born to Jesse and Galena (Terry) Young. He was raised on the family farm and farming remained one of the things he enjoyed throughout his life. But most especially he loved his horses. Carl was an avid horseman and enjoyed many happy times riding trials with his kids and friends. He also enjoyed showing his Missouri Fox Trotters in horse shows and was well known in that community for his horsemanship skills.

Carl was preceded in death by his wife of 48 years Loretta, his eight brothers and sisters and one great-great-grandson. He is survived by his daughter Debbie and her husband Rick Smith of Belton, Missouri, his granddaughter Kimberly and 12 great and great great grandchildren. He is also survived by, his stepson Rick Reding of Rockaway Beach, Missouri, his stepdaughter Laura Reding of Taneyville, Missouri, two grandchildren, Justin Gibson wife Jill and Amber Gibson and four great-granddaughters, Chailyn, Caden, Carlie, and Emma.

Memorial Service will be held at the L.O.D.G.E Church in Taneyville, Missouri,16860 State Hwy 76, Taneyville, MO, United States, 65759, private burial will be held at a later date at the Casey Cemetery, Forsyth, MO.

Arrangements were by Snapp-Bearden Forsyth Chapel, Forsyth, Missouri.

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