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Connie Jennings

Connie Sue (Beeler) Jennings, 74, of Kansas City

Connie Sue (Beeler) Jennings, 74, of Kansas City, passed away on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at her residence in Kansas City, MO., surrounded by loved ones. Funeral service will be at 1:00 P.M. Friday, February 18, 2022 in the Kissee-Schofield-Eakins Funeral Home, Forsyth, MO. Graveside service will follow in the Brown Cemetery, Cedar Creek, MO.

Connie was born on, Thursday, August 14, 1947 in Kissee Mills, Missouri, the daughter of Edward Clifton and Flora Arlene (Collins) Beeler. She grew up in Kissee Mills, Missouri with her nine siblings. Connie attended Forsyth School and began working at Pierce’s General Store where she met her future husband Frank Jennings Jr., who was picking up the mail. After the courtship, Frank and Connie were united in marriage on August 27, 1966 at the preacher’s house in Forsyth, Missouri.

Connie loved children and dedicated the majority of her life to Pre-K care and education. She worked at Mother’s Day Out Daycare from 1980 to 1986, Santa Fe Daycare from 1986 to 2001 and completed her career running a Home Daycare from 2001 retiring in 2010. She loved teaching and took great satisfaction developing children’s foundations in colors, alphabet, numbers and so much more. Connie’s ultimate joy in life was spending time with her family.

She was a member of Sterling Acres Baptist Southern Baptist Church of Kansas City.

Connie is preceded in death by her parents; brother, Cecil Beeler; sister, Bobbie Ferguson and brother-in-law Bill Ferguson; brother, Clifton Junior Beeler; Sister, Francis Clift; brother-in-law, Mack Aldridge; father and mother-in-law Frank Orville Sr. and Belva Bernice (Williams) Jennings; sister-in-law, Darlene Elder; brother-in-law, Tobe Elder; brother-in-law, Larry Jennings and sister-in-law, Joyce Jennings.

Survivors include her husband of fifty-five years, Frank Orville Jennings Jr.; their children; daughter, Teresa Jo (James) Hubbard of Independence, MO., granddaughter Lacey Marie (Ryan) Jones, great grandchildren Aubry Marie Alsup and Cooper Ryan Jones of Grain Valley, MO., grandson, Lance David Hubbard of Independence, MO; daughter, Laura Lynn (David) Bower of Independence, MO., grandsons, Scott Jennings Bower and Seth David Bower of Independence, MO.; sister, Betty Aldridge of Kissee Mills, MO., sister, Linda and brother-in-law Charles Worster of Forsyth, MO.; brother, Ernest Beeler of Bruner, MO.; sister, Donna and brother-in-law Larry Blair of Bradleyville, MO.; sister, Shirley and brother-in-law Terry Shipman of Billings, MO and several nieces and nephews and many friends.

Arrangements are under the direction of the Kissee-Schofield-Eakins Funeral Home, Forsyth, Mo.

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