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David Charles Swadley

David Charles Swadley, age 68, of Cassville, MO

David Charles Swadley, age 68, of Cassville, Missouri passed away Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at Mercy Hospital Northwest Arkansas in Rogers, Arkansas.

He was born May 31, 1953 in Aurora, Missouri, the son of Oneas Andrew and Doris Lynna (Boyd) Swadley.

Surviving are one son, Dustin Zook of Bolivar, Missouri; one daughter, Tina Davis and her husband Robert of Wheatland, Missouri; five brothers, Gene Swadley and his wife Alene of Cassville, Missouri, Steve Swadley and his wife Linda of Aurora, Missouri, Joe Swadley of Kansas, Robert Swadley of Aurora, Missouri and Mark Swadley of Aurora, Missouri; two sisters, Ola Mae Richardson and her husband Carl of Elkins, Arkansas and Sue Brisco and her husband Orris of Berryville, Arkansas.

Preceding him in death were his parents and seven brothers, Cotton, Kenneth, R.B., Milford, Lewis, Jesse and Tom.

David grew up and received his education in Aurora, Missouri, graduating from Aurora High School.  He was employed by the City of Bolivar as a street maintenance worker for several years.  He was currently working for Devon Barber taking care of chickens.  Hunting and fishing were two of his favorite pastimes.

Graveside services will be held at 1:00 P.M. Friday, July 9, 2021, at Leann Cemetery in Leann.  Cremation arrangements are under direction of Fohn Funeral Home in Cassville, Missouri.

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