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Deborah Ann Mary Robak

Deborah Ann Mary Robak, age of 66, Branson, MO

Robak, Deborah-obituary


Deborah Ann Mary Robak, Branson, MO, daughter of William and Doris (Carter) Hesik, was born August 15, 1956, in Chicago, IL, and departed this life on February 12, 2023, at the age of 66.


Deborah had been a resident of the area for 35 years, moving here from Chicago, IL.  She worked as a drywall finisher.  She was of the Catholic faith.


Deborah was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters, Barbara Gabriello and Caryn Hesik, niece, Alixx and granddaughter, Jasmine.


Survivors include: son, Billy Hesik of Branson, MO; daughter, Roxanne Robak of Branson, MO; seven grandchildren; aunt of Kelly, great aunt of Oliver and Jack and a host of other family and friends.


Visitation for Deborah will be Monday, February 20, 2023, 12:00-2:00 p.m. at Stumpff Funeral Chapel Kimberling City, MO, with service following at 2:00 p.m.

Burial will be in Nickerson Cemetery, Reeds Spring, MO.


Arrangements are under the direction of Stumpff Funeral Home Kimberling City, MO.

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